Workshops and Events

Concussions and PTSD

with Dave Berger MFT, PT , SEP

June 6 – 8th 2025

Early Bird Rate $750 Cdn

Early Bird Deposit $350, will secure your spot and the early bird price.

Location: NSWC North Vancouver


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Concussion and PTSD



Concussions and PTSD Sx Overlap.jpeg

A concussion is the result of a sudden physical assault to the skull and brain from trauma experiences such as abuse, accidents and sports. The rapidity can inhibit or yield inefficient normal protective responses that might prevent the physical assault. The inhibition is often caused by a sudden shock state or tonic immobility that is also seen in, and results in PTSD. Symptoms of PTSD and Post Concussive Syndrome (PCS) include cognitive disturbances, behavioral changes and relational disruptions. These, in turn, can lead to occupational, educational and activity of daily living problems. These symptoms can result from or exacerbate already existing challenges including domestic violence, military culture, leisure activities and occupational requirements.

When confronted with a physical threat such as can occur in domestic violence, motor vehicle accidents, sports and military activities we can go into flight, fight or freeze. Freeze, or tonic immobility, can result in PTSD.

Understanding the anatomy of the cranium, including the brain and its protective coverings gives us a basis for understanding the physical effects of a concussion on the brain. Polyvagal Theory gives a basis for understanding what happens neurologically and behaviorally that contributes to PTSD. This is a major contributor to cognitive and behavioral disturbances.

Clients and patients who have concurrent PTSD and PCS may need a team of practitioners in mental health and physical/medical health care. There may be some overlap that supports team work and it is important all practitioners have some idea of what each other does. The re-integration of cognitive health and autonomic regulation helps a client return to work re-engage in leisure activities and be more resilient in relationships.

The workshop includes lecture, experiential exercises, demo’s and practice time.

“When I went to see Dave it was like I was dying. When we were done I felt normal.” EB

Main points of this workshop include:

  • What is a concussion

  • PTSD and high impact injuries

  • Trauma healing and bodywork for concussions

  • Working with the cranium

  • Shock and somatic structures

  • Uncoupling shock trauma and post-concussive symptoms

  • Concussion as a Near Death Experience

  • Recognize similarities and differences between post concussive symptoms and PTSD

  • Learn strategies and interventions to treat Post Concussive trauma and PTSD

  • Therapeutic attunement

  • Clinically and ethically appropriate use of touch

  • Polyvagal theory and clinical application related to concussions

  • Bodywork/touch as a relational process

This is a stand alone workshop.  Prior BASE training is not a pre-requisite.



Concussion and PTSD